Monday, June 17, 2013

Nativity of St. John the Baptist - June 23 2013

Peter Dunphy, guest organist
  •  Organ: Chorale Prelude, ʺLiebster Jesu, wir sind hier“, BWV 731 - J. S. Bach (1685-1750)  
  • Opening Hymn 103 “On Jordan’s bank, the Baptist’s cry” 
  • Psalm 85: 7-13 (said responsively) 
  • Offertory Hymn (Iste Confessor #364)
Let thine example, holy John, remind us,
ere we can meetly sing thy deeds of wonder,
hearts must be chastened, and the bonds that bind us
broken asunder! 
Lo! a swift Angel, from the skies descending,
tells to thy father what shall be thy naming;
all thy life's greatness to its bitter ending
duly proclaiming. 
But when he doubted what the Angel told him,
came to him dumbness to confirm the story;
at thine appearing, healed again behold him,
chanting thy glory! 
Oh! what a splendor and a revelation
came to each mother, at thy joyful leaping,
greeting thy Monarch, King of every nation,
in the womb sleeping. 
Angels in orders everlasting praise thee,
God, in thy triune majesty tremendous;
hark to the prayers we, penitents, upraise thee:
save and defend us. 
Words: Paulus Diaconus, eighth century; trans. Richard Ellis Roberts, 1906
  • Concluding Hymn 106 “There’s a voice in the wilderness calling” 
  • Organ: Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, BWV 559 - J. S. Bach (1685-1750) 

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